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91-year-old American-born Canadian physicist Anthony S. Arrott spends his days alone in his Vancouver apartment, continuing to work on his research in the field of magnetism. He lives surrounded by the hundreds of faces drawn by his late wife, New York City- and Vancouver-based portrait artist Patricia Graham Arrott. Dr. Arrott is filmed over the course of a five-month period by first-time filmmakers Lily Ekimian (Arrott’s granddaughter) and Ahmed T. Ragheb. Dr. Arrott works hard to finish his work as he reflects on his life and marriage in this intimate portrait.

Directors: Lily Ekimian & Ahmed T. Ragheb

Producers: Lily Ekimian & Ahmed T. Ragheb

Music: Daniel Knox

Release Date: Spring 2021

Runtime: 74 minutes

Dr. Barry Barish on Portrait:

“I thought [Portrait] captured a wonderful common feature of we scientists.

[Dr. Arrott] says he is good at asking questions, even if others are better at finding the answers. This is a crucial attribute of a scientist.  Somehow, we thankfully never grew up. As kids, we all are amazingly curious, but parents, schools and society beat it out of most of us. We even have a common expression that I hate – ‘curiosity killed the cat.’

Carl Sagan (Cosmos) once said, ‘Every kid starts out as a natural-born scientist, and then we beat it out of them. A few trickle through the system with their wonder and enthusiasm for science intact.’ [Dr. Arrott] clearly was one who trickled through. He has maintained his curiosity and his wonderful drive to answer questions to the age of 90+. Your movie captures his persisting curiosity, his drive to answer his questions and, most appealing, his pleasure in the process of trying to find the answers. Your film captures this quality in him, very nicely.”

- Dr. Barry Barish, Nobel Laureate and experimental physicist

Festivals & Screenings

Reykjavik Independent Film Festival (online): October 1st to 15th, 2020

Essex DocFest (online): October 28th to November 1st, 2020

Manchester Lift Off: March 3rd to April 1st, 2021

Guam International Film Festival PBS Showcase 2021: TBD